Combine 2 text layer styles in Photoshop ( Tutorial )

Start a new document in photoshop
Size 400 x 150
Background Color: black

Select Type Tool and write some text on your document

Add the following layer styles

And here is my result after i have applied this layer style:

Now rasterize this layer ( go to Layer > Rasterize > type )

Duplicate this layer ( press ctrl+J )

Then add the following layer styles

The next image is to modify the Contour for Bevel and Emboss settings:

The next image is to modify the Contour for Contour settings:

The next image is to modify the Contour for Satin settings:

This is my result

Select rectangular marquee tool , and make a selection

Be sure you have the background layer selected, then
Go to Edit > Transform > Warp

From the drop down menu please choose " flag " , then hit Enter to apply the settings

This is my result

You can see that the background has changed a little. This is no problem. We don't need the background right now

Select the top Layer from your layer palette ( in my case the name of the layer is Talk copy

Then grab the Erase Tool and start deleting inside your selection

Now go to Select > Inverse ( or press SHIFT+CTRL+I )

Select the first text layer ( in my case the layer " TALK" it is the middle layer from your layer palette

Grab one more time Eraser Tool and start deleting the other part of the text

Then press on CTRL+D to deselect

Select Paint bucket tool, and fill your background layer with blak

This is my result

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